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Concrete Forms

The Ultimate Formwork Safety Checklist

Improper construction of formwork can damage the structurally integrity of your jobsite, as well as pose a threat to the well-being of those you’ve hired to get the job done.

As you set up your construction site, hopefully utilizing the services of a concrete form rental company, you can ensure the safety of your workers by following this safety checklist.

Formwork Safety Checklist During the Design-Phase

The following are recommendations for concrete form integrity, strength, and design.

  1. It is properly designed with the structural element in consideration, with its original design available on-site.
  2. It considers the load it will take on during the casting of concrete.
  3. Its strength is adequate enough to support the structural load it is taking, with the ability to take on a slightly heavier load if necessary, just in case.
  4. It accommodates the rate of concrete being poured, the height from which it is poured, as well as the temperature and scheduling of concrete pouring.
  5. The original design of the formwork should have detailed descriptions, including pocket size, compaction opening, and cleanouts.
  6. The formwork design should consider bearing the weight of outside factors, such as soil.

Formwork Safety Checklist During Construction

Carry out this checklist before you begin pouring concrete on the structural member of your site.

  1. Be sure to examine the entire formwork system for details, from the bottom to the top of the formwork, to ensure proper load transfer in a safe manner.
  2. Inspect the durability of scaffolds, ladders, runaways, ramps, and crossings.
  3. Maintain safe passageways around the working area, so workers can freely come and go.
  4. Guard the peripheral edges and floor openings.
  5. Ensure adequate space for work.
  6. Provide safety training for workers.
  7. Make sure workers wear personal protective equipment.
  8. Check rigging inserts and connections for correct installation, correct positioning, and wear and tear.
  9. Remove all unused and hanging forms, loose material.
  10. Inspect all props and shores to ensure their ability to handle all of the necessary loads.
  11. Remove defective props.
  12. Align props vertically and inspect their height and spacing.
  13. Rest all props on bearing plates.
  14. Place all props on a hard bearing surface.
  15. Nail and lock clamps on adjustable props.
  16. Ensure the lateral stability of formwork and complete fixity at the joint between propos whenever one prop is place over another.
  17. Make sure there is proper bearing below the stringers and joists at points of support.
  18. De-shutter props below concrete slabs and beams after verifying the development of adequate strength in concrete.
  19. Be sure that construction loads are not placed on freshly cast slab or beams while removing formwork, or before the concrete has attained required strength.

As you follow this checklist, consider partnering with Forming America. We ensure the quality of every piece of rental equipment before we send it out, so contractors have the highest quality of equipment every time they do business with us. Give Forming America a call at 1-888-993-1304 or contact us to partner with us to make your next project a success.

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