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How Construction Firms Are Continuing Work During the Pandemic

With the coronavirus bringing the nation to a halt, many companies have opted for working remotely and interacting with clients, co-workers, and other business personnel via virtual conference calls. The construction industry, including those which offer plywood for sale, however, has had no simple alternatives for working from home.

Projects require workers, obviously, on the job site to perform their tasks. So how have construction companies adapted to working during the pandemic, and how can you? Whether you need concrete forms for sale or you’re looking for ways to keep your workers safe while at work, read on to find out how construction firms are continuing to work during the pandemic.

Being Sensitive to the Situation

These are uncertain times we’re living in and many are still trying to figure out how to respond to covid-19. Because of this, there is a spectrum for how seriously people are taking this situation; some are hyper cautious while others are carefree in their approach. Many construction firms across the nation have been sensitive to the coronavirus and have implemented health guidelines into their companies.

Construction work has been deemed “essential” throughout the pandemic, allowing leaders and CEOs of firms to adapt to coronavirus procedures. The most notable and proactive procedures have been set by the CDC with health guidelines to implement on jobsites. Social distancing workers, placing sanitizing and handwashing stations on jobsites, and being careful with client-contractor meetings have been the most notable changes in the industry.

Easy Updates & Transparent Communication

Construction firms responding well to the coronavirus have been establishing clear and open communication among staff. Whether by website updates or email efforts, these companies have provided communication and reinforced the CDC guidelines effectively across the board.

Another way companies have communicated effectively is by being transparent with their workers and vice-versa. Many construction firms have taken down penalties for not showing up to job sites, urging workers to stay home if they feel sick or think they have the coronavirus. This is important to establish in any company. You want to protect your job sites and keep your employees safe, but make sure you give them freedom to express their concerns as well as a safe environment for doing so.

Go Virtual If You Can

Obviously the labor of a job can’t be done virtually, but meetings can be! Whether you need to give a quote to a client, or you want to announce something to your team, always ask yourself if people need to be physically present.

And if you must visit a potential client in person, be courteous of the other person. Many construction professionals have opted for going above and beyond what is required by the government. This includes practicing social distancing and wearing a facemask around clients and workers. It shows that you’re taking the pandemic seriously and you care about a safe environment. After all, if companies aren’t careful then they shouldn’t be working to begin with. These protocols have to be followed and companies need to lead their staff in how to respond effectively. In this case going virtual or taking precaution is a company’s best bet.

Forming America Is Continuing To Work

Though no one knows what will happen over the next couple months, the reality is that the construction industry is essential to our economy and must go on. Forming America is happy to provide you with updates on the pandemic and what other construction companies are doing to adapt.

If you are in need of construction materials, concrete forms, or any other equipment contact us today. We are doing our best to prevent the spread of the coronavirus and we’ll take good care of you and your business!

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