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Concrete Forms Tips

Concrete Anchors: Bonded vs. Mechanical 

Your crew works hard on the jobsite, but so do the tools that you use. Anchors are one of the tools crews use to get the job done.

On the jobsite anchors help keep forms in place for a blindsided wall system. Knowing the difference between types of anchors is important.

There are two different types of anchors that you can use when attaching a blindside system to existing concrete or rock. These consist of bonded anchors and mechanical anchors. They both work well, but each has ideal situations for use.

Bonded Anchors

Bonded anchors can handle dynamic and static loads. Grout and epoxy bonded anchors are the two types of anchors in this category.

Epoxy works well because of its high bond stress values and relatively fast cure times.

Grout-bonded work better when you have a situation that requires a longer length embedment. Bonded anchors work well in applications that require closer spacing because they don’t exert lateral stress on concrete, which could cause failure.

Mechanical Anchors

Mechanical anchors come in many types. The main three categories are expansion, deformation, and undercut.

Mechanical anchors work better in overhead concrete because they don’t use epoxy or grout like bonded anchors. Therefore, they don’t require caps that bonded anchors do to keep epoxy or glue from leaking out. However, mechanical anchors do require that the concrete they are inserted into is in good shape.

Life without Anchors

As effective as anchors are in holding up blindsided forming, there is a better system that removes the need for anchors, saving you time and money. This system forms straight walls without all the extra fuss.

The Seawolf blindside wall forming system uses unique torpedo ties that eliminate the need for weld-on ties, concrete/rock/wood anchors or A-frame supports.

A Supplier for Your Forming Equipment

Forming America is the sole supplier of Seawolf blindsided forming systems. Imagine the time and labor costs you will save without the tedious installation of anchors.

For those situations where you do need A-frame supports and anchors, Forming America can supply those as well. We make your job easier by conveniently delivering your order right to your jobsite.

Contact us at 1-888-993-1304 to find out how we can keep you supplied with forming equipment to get the job done.


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