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6 Innovations in Concrete for 2017

Concrete may be rigid and stiff once it cures, but concrete innovation is far from stagnant. Many new innovations are in the mix for 2017. Some of them are already being used in a widespread way in the construction industry, while others are just in the developing stages with promising practical applications to come down the road. The type of concrete you select is just as important as the concrete forms you rent, so take time to review these 6 innovations in concrete for 2017.

Drain Water with Topmix Permeable

Preventing floods on the jobsite and in the finished project are a crucial element of any construction job. Topmix Permeable is the first truly porous concrete material, which allows it to absorb water down into the ground below. Traditional concrete is somewhat permeable, but it’s hard to compare its absorption rate of a few dozen gallons of water per hour to Topmix Permeable’s rate of a few hundred gallons per minute.

Prevent Cracking with Superhydrophobic

This super-technical name is for a majorly innovative cement composite. Road surfaces only have about 40 years before the slow accumulation of moisture in freezing conditions cracks the concrete surface. You can triple that time with incredibly durable Superhydrophobic concrete. Unfortunately, with its current cost, we’re a long way from widely using concrete that lasts 120 years.

Concrete Made from Organic-Based Materials

Even concrete is in the process of going green, as researchers at MIT are using natural materials like shells, bones, and sea sponges to make a durable and sustainable concrete mixture. Since these organic materials can go millions of years without breaking down, it’s safe to say that they’ll prolong the life of any structures they’re used in.

ConFlexPave Gives Flexibility

The addition of polymer microfibers to the ConFlexPave solution gives it the unique ability to bend without breaking. This innovation could be revolutionary to the concrete industry because structures and roads built using ConFlexPave wouldn’t crack under the weight of heavy loads.

Bioconcrete Repairs Itself

This concrete can self-heal by using bacteria to bind together fractured cement grains. When moisture enters the cracks, it gives the bacteria a source to germinate and multiply before producing calcium carbonate. This results in limestone formation, which plugs the cracks.

Aridus Rapid Drying Concrete Out-Paces the Competition

While there are already many forms of quick-drying concrete on the market, Aridus Rapid Drying Concrete is speeding past the competition. Currently, wide-scale infrastructure projects need around 6 to 12 months for the concrete to dry fully. By using Adrius Rapid Drying Concrete, you can cut costs and project timelines significantly, because this concrete dries in only 45 days.

A Forming Supplier for Any Concrete

With so many new concrete products coming to market, the one thing that remains constant is that forming equipment is still required to hold concrete in place while it cures. No matter what concrete is used, Forming America can supply concrete forming that keeps projects running safely and efficiently. Our forming systems are available to buy or rent. We ship to many locations in the U.S. and around the world.

Contact Forming America or call 1-888-993-1304 to get the concrete forming solutions for your company’s next project.

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